

Tubectomy, also known as tubal sterilization, is a permanent method of contraception in women. It is a surgical process that blocks the fallopian tubes, thereby preventing the egg released by the ovary from reaching the uterus.

Indications for Tubectomy

Tubectomy is indicated when a woman who doesn’t wish to conceive in the future voluntarily requests this permanent method of sterilization.

A woman considering permanent sterilization through tubectomy ought to consider the following points:

•             Reasons for wanting to opt for permanent sterilization

•             Whether tubal ligation is the best option for her

•             Side effects, risks and complications associated with the procedure.

•             Whether other methods of contraception might be more suitable


Tubectomy is a major surgical procedure in which the fallopian tubes are cut open and clipped or tied up to block the passage of the egg into the uterus.

Thinking about sterilization? Schedule your consultation

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A few small incisions are made around the belly button. A telescopic device known as a laparoscope is inserted through one of the cuts. There is a small camera at the tip of the laparoscope which transmits images to a screen, providing the surgeon with a view of the internal organs. Guided by the images and working through the tiny cuts, the surgeon inserts special instruments to seal the tubes by cutting parts of them or by blocking them using clips.

Different methods

•             Bipolar coagulation- Electric current is used to sear parts of the fallopian tubes.

•             Monopolar coagulation- The tubes are seared using electric current. A radiating current is also used to further damage them.

•             Tubal clip- The fallopian tubes are blocked by permanently clipping them or tying them together.

•             Tubal Ring- The tube is tied using a silastic band.

•             Fimbriectomy- In this procedure, a section of the fallopian tube is disconnected from the ovary. This creates a gap, hampering the capacity of the tube to receive eggs and transfer them to the uterus.


Patients may be discharged on the same day after tubectomy.

However, after undergoing the surgery, one may expect:

•             Pain and nausea in the first four to eight hours (short-term pain medication may be required)

•             Abdominal pain and cramps

•             Fatigue

•             Dizziness

Stitches are taken out usually after a week or ten days. It is also important to see the surgeon for a follow-up check-up after six weeks.

Over the years, Tubectomy has become an increasingly prevalent form of contraception in India. Also called as Tubal Ligation, this surgical procedure is carried out to ensure that the fallopian tubes in your body are blocked-clamped, sealed or severed. The main aim of this surgery is to prevent the sperm from reaching the egg to fertilise it. It is a permanent method of sterilisation and there is no going back. Professional surgeons at Apollo Cradle & Children’s Hospital perform this surgery using state-of-the-art facilities.

What is the Procedure of Tubectomy?

Tubal ligation may be done while you’re recovering from vaginal childbirth (using a small incision under the navel called a mini-laparotomy) or during a cesarian or C-section delivery. It can also be carried out as an outpatient procedure (interval tubal ligation) that is separate from childbirth. An interval tubal ligation is usually done with a laparoscope –  a thin tube equipped with a camera lens and light under short acting general anaesthesia. The complete procedure is carried out in an operation theatre. However, our experts at Apollo Cradle & Children’s Hospital advise that the risk of complications during surgery are higher if you undergo tubal ligation surgery when you have had previous pelvic or abdominal surgery.

Is There Any Way to Reverse the Procedure?

A tubectomy is a permanent form of contraception for women, and there is no going back. It is a permanent method of birth control. However, there are instances where women tend to ask for a reversal. In such a case, surgery will need to be carried out. However, they are not guaranteed of a successful reversal. Some studies have shown that tubal reversal, a microsurgery that reverses the effect of a Tubectomy, has shown a successful reversal. However, the pregnancy rate post the reversal is quite low.

There are many modes of contraception both for men and women, but their 100 percent efficacy always remains a doubt. These days more and more women are opting for tubectomy. Tubectomy is a permanent contraception and sterilization method in women. It is a major surgery in which the fallopian tubes are blocked or cut so that the egg is unable to travel from the ovaries to the uterus, thereby eliminating any chances of a pregnancy.


The fallopian tubes are roughly 10 cm long structures inside the woman’s abdomen opening at the uterus at one end and the ovaries at the other end. During a tubectomy, the tubes are slightly cut and tied or artificial clips are placed so that the egg is unable to travel to the uterus. It is a major surgery that would require either cutting open the abdomen or laparoscopic methods to reach the fallopian tubes.

A tubectomy is deemed one of the best solutions in birth control. Since it is permanent and its success rate is as high as 99 percent, tubectomy is being opted by women all across the country.

Side Effects

Any major surgical procedure comes with a set of risks and complications. The side effects of tubectomy include:

Complications/allergies due to anasthesia: Apart from allergies, this also includes breathing difficulties which a woman might face after the procedure.

Accidental perforations and bleeding in stomach: The surrounding blood vessels of the surgery site may get perforated resulting in bleeding.




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John Kimberly
Associate Managing Editor
Journal of Women’s Health and Reproductive Medicine